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10 Tips to Good Mental Health

Your mind is a formidable weapon. Not only does your mental state influence your consciousness, but it also influences how your body operates.

Make sure your mind is well nourished because it is the doorway to your body and soul.

Your mental health can be negatively impacted by stress, sorrow, and sadness. Serious mental disorders have been demonstrated in studies to reduce life expectancy by 10 to 15 years.

SGFIRSTAID shares 10 unique easy to follow tips that can boost your mental wellness for a healthier you.

1. Minimum of eight hours of sleep every day.

After a good night's sleep, you'll be more aware and less prone to stress. Getting adequate sleep might also help you remember things.

2. Maintain a balanced diet.

Salmon, tuna, and mackerel are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce the incidence of dementia and mental decline.

Good diet is a natural stress reliever. Start your day off well with a nutritious breakfast, preferably consisting of wholegrain cereals and fruits, and eat a variety of balanced meals throughout the day.

3. Be Active or Try to be

It is recommended that you exercise for at least 150 minutes each week (or 30 minutes per day).

Exercising not only keeps you physically fit, but it also helps you manage or avoid stress. Take a stroll or do yoga to relax. It is preferable to engage in moderate exercise on a regular basis rather than a severe workout on occasion.

4. Talk to someone else for at least 10 minutes per day.

The brain is stimulated by conversing with others. Chatting with another individual for just 10 minutes a day enhances memory. Additionally, the more you engage with others, the more quickly your brain will operate.

5. Take up a new interest or hobby.

Learning to play a musical instrument, learning to use a computer, taking up a new hobby, or learning to make a new cuisine may all assist to keep your brain busy and healthy.

6. Get your mind in shape.

Anyone up for a game of Scrabble or Mahjong?

Memory, decision-making, and strategizing are all used in mind-boggling games, which keeps the brain busy and avoids dementia. Furthermore, playing in a group will increase interaction.

7. Make an effort to help others.

Helping a friend or family member, or volunteering for community service, allows you to focus on something other than yourself. As a result, you'll feel more optimistic and less powerless.

8. Learn how to deal with stress.

Make a list and change your thinking. Make a list of your objectives and cross them off as you achieve them. This will allow you to focus on one task at a time. Stress may be reduced by seeing challenges as opportunities or concentrating on the positive. You can't escape stress, but you can learn to manage it.

9. Alcohol, cigarettes, and narcotics is not a stress reliever.

They aren't the answers to your issues. If you're having trouble with your emotions, get help from family and friends or a professional. Alcohol, cigarettes, and narcotics only give a short-term solution to stress and misery.

10. Laughter is the best medicine

Have a good time and laugh as much as you can. Laughter triggers the brain's reward and pleasure centers, creating feelings and calming the mind, which can help keep the doctor away.

It is impossible to emphasize the value of psychological first aid as a helpful and practical initial response.

Aside from dealing with physical wounds and alleviating mental distress, psychological wounds are a major issue in any occasion.

Learning psychosocial skills allows individuals to care for and assist one another, which is what psychological first aid aims to do.

This allows for the development of better ties and peer support in both critical emergency situations and daily situations at home, school, work, and in the community.

To help more individuals cope with the physical and emotional aspects of first aid, SGFIRSTAID included psychological first aid. Learning psychological first aid enables you to establish a non-intrusive and compassionate interaction with another person. This skill, like first aid, has the potential to save lives.

The 100% online Psychological First Aid Course is the globally recommended training for supporting people during emergencies.

First aid and psychological first aid are essential components of the national SGSecure campaign. They will contribute to the development of really unified, vigilant, and, most importantly, empowered people capable of defending ourselves and our society.

We can be a more resilient community to overcome adversity if more people in the community are equipped with physical and psychological first aid skills. We hope that more individuals will volunteer to learn first aid and psychological first aid, and that they will encourage their families and peers to do the same in order to make our country more prepared and resilient.

The course itself is training grants and Skills Future Credit eligible.

To find out more about Psychological First Aid,

Do contact us at

Tel: 62978123

WhatsApp: 86715681

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