More than 2,500 Singaporeans die of cardiac arrest outside of hospitals each year, with barely 5% surviving. In comparison to developed countries, Singapore's cardiac arrest survival rates are lower.

Cardiac arrest is a life-threatening condition that affects the heart. The word arrest means to stop or bring to a halt. In cardiac arrest, the heart ceases to beat.
The heart stops beating in cardiac arrest. Sudden cardiac death is another name for it. Electrical impulses regulate the rate of your heartbeat.
Every minute that passes without help, the odds of survival decline by 7% to 10%. Every second is crucial.
Training in first aid is essential for equipping the community to respond to crises, which can be the difference between life and death.
The Singapore First Aid Training Centre is a strong supporter of Singapore's aim of having "one first aider in every family." Our Centre also offers specialised first aid training for caregivers of infants, children and the elderly.
We also believe that psychological first aid is an important second line of defence.
To nurture young lifesavers and prepare the public to be one step ahead during emergencies, SGFIRSTAID has nurtured over 300,000 First Aider for the last 18 years and the numbers are gradually increasing. Showing a positive uptick in preparedness. This year, we are offering the first ever Singapore First aid Instructor programme to Singaporeans and permanent residents. This is the first of its kind and is jointly approved and accredited by Singapore Resuscitation and First Aid Council (SRFAC)
If there is one skill from which everyone may benefit, it is first aid.
In an emergency, the first few minutes may be the sole window of opportunity to save a life.
Only a certified first responder has the ability to respond in that amount of time.
Unfortunately, qualified first responders who are equipped for this are still low. And this has been a problem for quite some time.

Whether needed by the workforce, regulatory requirements, or the safety concerns of a workplace, there is a significant demand for first aid training.
With a network of over 50 first-aid teachers, we can only train about 40,000 people every year.
That's less than 1% of the population.
To fulfill this demand, there simply aren't enough trained first-aid educators.
Previously, first-aid trainers were considered a valuable commodity. It was difficult to enter into a first aid instructor program, and it was much more difficult to be recognized as one.
The GOOD NEWS is that this is no longer true.
For aspiring first aid teachers, the new SRFAC Accredited Standard First Aid (SFA) Instructor course is a game-changer.
In as little as seven days, you may become a qualified first aid instructor.

Imagine being able to clone oneself into tens, hundreds, or even thousands of others who are ready to respond in an emergency and keep an eye on thousands of people all at once.
Even if you don't realize it, you'll be making a difference out there all the time. That is how important a first-aid trainer's function may be.
The demand for additional first responders at work has grown as a result of new workplace regulations. Several Ministries and Stat Boards are in charge of them. However, because training centers can't keep up with the demand, many potential first-aid students are placed on waiting lists.
COVID-19 exacerbated the problem by reducing class sizes, resulting in a massive backlog of first-aid training. The Singapore Resuscitation and First Aid Council recently decreased the instructor-to-student ratio for CPR AED practicals, resulting in a 50% rise in demand for first aid teachers. It's bad news for training centers, but it's wonderful news for instructors-to-be!

When COVID-19 struck the world and drove many trades to close, the need for qualified instructors actually rose. Regardless of the setting, workers, company owners, students, instructors, daycare operators, security employees, and government authorities all require first-aid training, and there is no indication that this will change in the near future. This is your backup plan.

We hope that more individuals will take this path to be a first aid instructor, and inspire others, their families and peers to do the same in order to make our country more prepared and resilient.
The course itself is training grants and Skills Future Credit eligible.
To find out more about how to be a First Aid Instructor:
Do contact us at
Tel: 62978123
WhatsApp: 86715681