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First Aid ABCs: Life-Saving Acronyms


Updated: Dec 5, 2024

first aid acronyms and terms

During an emergency, it can be difficult to remember all the things you’re supposed to do when tending to a casualty. 

Terms like cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or basic life saving skills can seem intimidating to learn about, and to apply in real life scenarios. 

first aid acronyms drsabc cpr aed plan

First aid aims to equip normal people with the skills to save lives. Hence the importance of mnemonic devices; memory tools that allow us to quickly recall information. 

We’ve compiled a list of common acronyms used in first aid, converting standard terminology into catchy terms!

first aid key methods

While it may seem intimidating to administer first aid, acronyms simplify important steps and make them easier to recall. 

first aid life support

Plus, acronyms make it much easier to talk about these terms with others!

When incorporated into daily conversations, the chances of remembering them and their uses becomes much higher, making it second nature to recall them during everyday emergencies. 

However, remembering these acronyms is only the first step. Learning to use them to help others confidently and effectively is another. 

Explore our range of first aid courses so you, too, can become an effective first responder!

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