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Stroke: Think F.A.S.T

Learn to recognize the early warning signs of a stroke so that you can treat the stroke victim as soon as possible, potentially reducing the risk of permanent damage.

When it comes to stroke recognition, a quick and early response can help to reduce the risk of permanent damage and even save lives.

After having a stroke, the likelihood of having another one increases. You could witness a stroke in a family member, friend, or stranger at any time.

When it comes to stroke treatment, time is of the essence. Learn to recognize the early warning signs of a stroke and what steps to take.

FAST Stands for Stroke Response Actions:

• Face drooping

• Arm weakness

• Speech difficulty

• Time to call 995

Rehabilitation is a critical step in reducing complications following a stroke. Learn about the resources available to stroke survivors and their families.

Stroke rehabilitation benefits most patients after a stroke; it starts soon after a stroke occurs. You and your family members should be actively involved in the rehabilitation process.

Rehabilitation aims to:

• Improve your ability to perform usual functions

• Reduce complications after a stroke

Stroke: Signs and Symptoms

The effects and indications of a stroke that are experienced by stroke patients.

It is critical to understand that each patient is affected differently by stroke.

The signs and symptoms of a stroke are determined by the location of the damage in the brain.



  • You may experience weakness in one or both sides of the body. This weakness varies in severity.

  • Weakness of the face muscle may result in facial drooping, drooling and speech difficulty.

Incoordination of Movements

  • You may experience difficulty in standing, walking or performing delicate tasks.

Related: Phyiotherapy after Stroke , Occupational therapy after Stroke



  • You may experience reduced or loss of sensation over one side or specific parts of your body.

  • You may experience abnormal extra feeling over one side of your body such as tingling or electric sensation.


Visual Impairment

  • You may experience double vision or loss of vision in one side or area of your visual field.


Slurring of Speech (“Dysarthria”)

  • You may experience difficulty in articulating words. This may cause your speech to be unclear, slow or soft.

Language Impairment (“Dysphasia”)

  • You may experience inability to understand or express words, phrases and sentences, in both verbal and written form.


Difficulty with Swallowing (“Dysphagia”)

  • You may experience difficulty with drinking and eating. It can cause coughing and choking leading to an increase risk of lung infection.

There are two general pathways for post-stroke care.

Outpatient Rehabilitation

You return home from the hospital and go to a rehab centre a few times a week for therapy.

Inpatient Rehabilitation Centre

You are transferred to a specialised rehabilitation unit or community hospital with daily therapy sessions for continued inpatient stay and ongoing medical and nursing care.

Where Can I Get More Assistance After a Stroke?

We recognize that the journey of a stroke survivor or carer of a stroke survivor is not easy. These are some resources that are available to you. You could also ask a medical social worker in the hospital or polyclinic for more information.

Government Supported Agencies

Agency for Intergrated Care (AIC) AIC aspires to build a vibrant care community that allows people to live well and age gracefully. AIC coordinates and facilitates care integration efforts in order to achieve the best care outcomes for our clients. Website:

Hotline: +65 66036800

Singapore Silver Package (SSP) AIC's Singapore Silver Pages (SSP) initiative. It is a one-stop hub for information on Community Care.

Hotline: 1800-650-6060

SG Enable SG Enable is an agency dedicated to enabling persons with disabilities.


Hotline: 1800 8585 885

Family Service Centre Family Service Centres (FSCs) are community-based organizations that help and support individuals and families in need. They are staffed by social service workers.

ComCare (Financial Assistance) ComCare is a program that provides social assistance to low-income individuals and families. ComCare services are available at Social Service Offices (SSOs). The Community Care Endowment Fund provides funding for ComCare programs (ComCare Fund).


Hotline: 1800-222-0000

In Singapore, social enterprise provides a variety of resources.

Singapore National Stroke Association (SNSA) The Singapore National Stroke Association (SNSA) aims to provide stroke survivors and caregivers with assistance, support, and information in their time of need.


Hotline: +65 62229514


Address: 5 Stadium Walk, #04-02A Leisure Park Kallang, Singapore 397693

Stroke Care SG

Stroke care is an initiative of SNSA, supported by Tote Board-Enabling Lives Initiative Grant. It is a one-stop portal for stroke survivors, caregivers and healthcare professionals.

Hotline: +65 62229514


Address: 5 Stadium Walk, #04-02A Leisure Park Kallang, Singapore 397693

S3 Stroke Support Station

Stroke Support Station (S3) assists stroke survivors in Re-learn and Enjoy Active Living (R.E.A.L) for a better quality of life by providing a wellness program with social-emotional support that helps rebuild confidence and independence.

S3 promotes mental resilience in stroke survivors and caregivers, resulting in a sense of community among stroke survivors, caregivers, family members, and volunteers.


Hotline: +65 64733500


Address: Enabling Village, 20 Lengkok Bahru, #01-04, The Playground, Singapore 159053

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